Blog Post

4 Chrome Extensions That Boost Productivity

Eric Evenstad • June 13, 2018

Improve productivity while working on your computer with these 4 must-have Chrome Extensions.

These Chrome Extensions are completely free, easy to download and they've literally saved me hundreds of hours of time over the last few years.

Here are the four productivity boosting Chrome Extensions that are referenced in the video:

Stay Focused: This Chrome extension limits the amount of time that you can spend on distracting websites. As soon as you hit your time limit on any website that you determine to be distracting, Stay Focused will kick you off that website so that you can get back to work. Get this Chrome Extension here.

Momentum: Momentum is essentially a Home page for your browser. Any time you open up a new Browser window or tab, you'll see the Momentum home page which is a distraction free page that has a built-in to-do list, clock, inspirational quote and not much more. I find that opening up the Momentum page keeps me focused on what I need to do be doing at that exact moment. Get this Chrome Extension here.

News Feed Eradicator: This is my favorite Chrome Extension on the list and I would bet this tool alone has saved me thousands of hours over the last couple years. The sole purpose of this tool is to hide your Facebook News Feed. So instead of going to Facebook and mindlessly scrolling through hundreds of posts in your News Feed, you get a blank News Feed with a simple productivity quote. You really wouldn't believe how much less distracting Facebook is without the News Feed. Get this Chrome Extension here.

The Great Suspender: This tool won't necessarily improve your productivity, but it'll speed up your computer by suspending Browser Tabs that haven't been used in a while... Then as soon as you want to load a suspended page, you just click on it and the page is revived. I like it because it speeds up my Chrome Browser without forcing me to exit out of the 40+ tabs that I have open at any given time. Get this Chrome Extensions here.



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