Blog Post


Eric Evenstad • April 24, 2017

Welcome to the Bootstrap Biz Growth! I'm so thrilled that you've made it here and I'm eager to help you grow your business. Since this is the first of many blog posts, I thought it would be beneficial to answer a few common questions so that you can getter a better feel for what we do here at Bootstrap Biz Growth. Sound good?

What the heck is bootstrapping?
According to Wikipedia, Bootstrapping in business means starting a business without external help or capital. Such startups fund the development of their company through internal cash flow and are cautious with their expenses. This financing approach allows owners to maintain control of their business and forces them to spend with discipline. Bootstrapping allows startups to focus on customers rather than investors, thereby increasing the likelihood of creating a profitable business [1].

We all hear about the big Silicon Valley companies that get millions and millions of dollars from outside investors, but in reality the number of companies that get outside financing are few and far between. If you're like the vast majority of entrepreneurs, then you probably invested a small amount of your own money to start your company, and now you are growing it slowly by reinvesting your profits right back into the business.

This is a great strategy, however, it requires you to closely monitor how you spend your company's money.

What is Bootstrap Biz Growth?
Bootstrap Biz Growth is a company that specializes in helping businesses bootstrap their growth. In other words, we help entrepreneurs and small business owners identify the tools, resources, and strategies that will benefit their business the most - while keeping their spending in check.

At Bootstrap Biz Growth, we research and test hundreds of tools and resources in order to find the ones that are best for businesses that are growing on a budget. We cover the best tools and resources for marketing, communication, accounting and everything in between.

Additionally, we teach strategies that any business owner can adopt in order to grow their business on a budget. The three core strategies that we primarily focus on are marketing, outsourcing, and business automation. We focus on those because we believe they are the three things that are most vital to helping entrepreneurs build a business that gives them both time and money .

Everything that we recommend has been tested over and over again before it lands on our website. Not only do we personally use these tools, resources and strategies, but we've also tested them in hundreds of other businesses over the last 7 years.

Who can benefit the most from Bootstrap Biz Growth?
We tend to get breakthrough results for a very specific type of entrepreneur/small business owner. Those people typically have the following things in common:

  • They have a burning desire to build a company that gives them time AND money.
  • They are not afraid of making changes, especially when there is the potential for huge results.
  • They have an excellent product or service, but feel overwhelmed by all of the tools & strategies on the internet.
  • Entrepreneurs and small businesses with zero employees all the way up to 20 employees.

Who will benefit the least from Bootstrap Biz Growth?
I'll be the first to tell you that Bootstrap Biz Growth isn't for everybody. Based upon experience, we probably won't be able to help the following types of people:
  • Large companies with 20+ employees -- our strategies and tools really work best for companies with smaller workforces.
  • People that don't take action -- our tools & strategies will only work if you do.
  • Negative people that bash on other people's dreams -- Ok, we can probably help these people, but we'd prefer not to :)

How do I get the most out of Bootstrap Biz Growth?
The best place to start is our members only Free Resources page. There, you will find checklists, guides, must-have-tools, tips, resources, and much much more. We are constantly adding our most valuable content to the Free Resources page and it's 100% free to join.

In addition to the Free Resources page, you'll also want to keep a close eye on our blog. There you will find a steady stream of:
  • Budget-friendly growth strategies
  • Reviews of our favorite tools and resources for growing a business that gives you time and money
  • Step by step instructions to help you implement our must-have-tools
  • Helpful tips covering topics such as outsourcing, marketing, automation, productivity, and more


Learn how to outsource the tasks you hate, focus on what matters, and reclaim your time.
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