Blog Post


Eric Evenstad • April 27, 2017

7 years ago, at the age of 23, I moved to Denver, Colorado. At the time, I had two choices. I could get a 9-5 job with steady pay and good benefits or I could bet on myself and start my own company.

I chose the latter.

I decided to become an entrepreneur and start a marketing and web design company. I did so because I wanted to create my own path in life. I wanted to have the ability to work my butt off in order to build a business that would give me the time and money to live the life of my dreams.

At the time, it all sounded so easy and wonderful...

But, somewhere along the way, things went terribly wrong. The business that was supposed to give me freedom, turned into a business that stole my nights and weekends. Instead of feeling happy and fulfilled, I felt stressed and overworked.

I lost track of why I wanted to be an entrepreneur in the first place. I was so focused on making money that I forgot all about the importance of time.

Then, after years of high stress and long hours, I decided I had had enough. I committed myself to overhauling my business so that it would give me the freedom to enjoy the important things in life: Family, friends, experiences, laughter, adventure, and fun.

Today, I'm roughly 9 months into my business overhaul and the results have been remarkable. I now spend about 10 hours per week working on my marketing and web design company (down from 80+ hours) and my income has actually gone up! I've accomplished this by focusing on outsourcing, business automation, and strategic marketing.

I wouldn't say these changes have been easy, but they've already had an incredible impact on my life.

And now, I want to help other entrepreneurs do the same. Which is why I started Bootstrap Biz Growth.

If you follow my lead, I'll show you how to:

  • Strategically market your business so that the sales keep coming without your involvement.
  • Use technology to automate your business.
  • Outsource daily tasks to college educated workers in the Philippines for pennies on the dollar
  • Adopt the mindset of a business owner
By adopting the Four Core Principles above, you'll be able to transform your business and life.

If you're ready to get started, I'd encourage you to sign up for our Free Resources. Here, you'll find guides, worksheets, must-have-tools, and much more to help you build a business that gives you time and money.

You'll also want to make sure you bookmark our blog page because that is where we will be teaching you the Four Core Principles to Building a Business That Gives You Time and Money. In the months ahead, you'll find step-by-step guides and resources to help you automate, outsource, and market your business.

What do you say? Are you ready to take back your life and build the business of your dreams?

Let's do it!



Learn how to outsource the tasks you hate, focus on what matters, and reclaim your time.
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