Blog Post

How To Find Great Blog Topics For Your Content Marketing

Eric Evenstad • June 29, 2018

I'm on a mission to create 90 videos that my audience will love within a 90 day span. That's one video per day for 3 straight months.

Creating the videos isn't all that difficult because I just talk about what I know and I show people how to use my favorite tools to help them grow their business on a budget.

Side Note: You can see all my videos here:

The two most difficult parts of this 90 day challenge are:

  1. Watching myself on camera as a newbie to the world of making videos and talking into a camera lens.
  2. Coming up with video topics that people care about

There's not a lot I can do about the first one. I just keep creating videos with the understanding that they're not perfect but they're getting better each day.

But, I have found a solution to the second problem. Out of sheer desperation, I put together a system for finding an unlimited number of great content marketing topics. My system identifies hundreds of topics that my audience is already searching for and sharing on social media.

These topics are perfect for my videos, but they're also perfect for anybody looking to come up with blog topics, podcast topics, email newsletter topics, social media topics, and more.

Once I find the most popular topics, I just create a better version of the articles or I approach them with a different viewpoint or I just put my own unique spin on them.

As you'll see in the video, I use three free tools to discover my content ideas. Below are the tools that I recommend... but make sure you watch the video to see exactly how I use each of these.

  1. KW Finder
  2. BuzzSumo
  3. Quora



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